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Why 90% of Bloggers Fail and How You Can Be in the Top 10%


What Are the Common Blogging Mistakes

Are you making these common blogging mistakes? Learn from the most common blogging mistakes to avoid! Read the post, implement the tips, and achieve your blogging success.


Today, the world of blogging is a rapidly evolving landscape that encompasses a diverse range of interests, topics, and communities. At its core, blogging involves the creation and sharing of content in a digital format that is typically published on a personal or professional website.

This content can take many forms, including written articles, images, videos, podcasts, and more.

Bloggers use their platforms to express their thoughts, opinions, and perspectives on a wide variety of subjects, ranging from politics and social justice to travel and lifestyle.

As a result, the world of blogging has become a powerful medium for sharing ideas, building communities, and creating meaningful connections across the globe.

Unfortunately, 90% of bloggers fail due to blogging mistakes such as lack of consistency, poor content quality, not promoting their blog, not engaging with their audience, and lack of patience.


In the fast-paced world of blogging, avoiding common blogging mistakes is crucial for bloggers aiming to achieve success. From neglecting SEO practices to inconsistent posting schedules, this blog post explores the most prevalent blogging mistakes. Discover how to steer clear of these pitfalls and elevate your blogging game to new heights.

Let’s have a look at common blogging mistakes:

1. Bloggers don’t have clear goals

One of the most common blogging mistakes is not having clear goals. Without a well-defined direction, bloggers may struggle to produce relevant and engaging content that resonates with their target audience.

A lack of goals can also make it challenging to measure success and determine the effectiveness of a blog’s marketing efforts. To overcome this challenge, bloggers should identify their objectives and develop a content strategy that aligns with their goals.

Using relevant keywords in their content creation and audience engagement can help bloggers attract more traffic, grow their audience, and avoid blogging mistakes.

2. Bloggers don’t focus on keyword research

Common blogging mistakes bloggers make are that they are not focusing on keyword research. Keywords are crucial for optimizing blog content for search engines and increasing the visibility of the blog to potential readers.

By not conducting keyword research, bloggers may miss out on valuable traffic and fail to target the right audience. It’s important for bloggers to understand the phrases that their target audience is using to search for information and incorporate those keywords into their content strategy.

Neglecting keyword research can sabotage your blogging success.

3. Writing for Yourself, Not Your Audience

Blogging mistakes, bloggers make are writing solely for themselves and not considering their audience. While it’s important to have a personal voice and style, it’s equally essential to understand the needs and interests of your target audience.

By writing content that doesn’t resonate with your readers, you risk losing their attention and not building a loyal following. Bloggers should prioritize creating content that speaks to their audience’s pain points and offers solutions, rather than focusing solely on their own interests.

Writing for yourself is the biggest blogging mistake to avoid completely.

4. Not writing in-depth

One of the worst blogging mistakes a blogger can make is not writing in-depth content. Writing shallow or surface-level content may be easier, but it won’t provide much value to readers.

In-depth content that offers detailed analysis, comprehensive guides, and thorough research is much more likely to attract readers, earn shares, and rank higher in search engines.

Not only does in-depth content provide value to readers, but it also establishes the blogger as an authority in their niche. Failing to create in-depth content is a big blogging mistake and it can be a significant setback for any blogger looking to establish their brand and grow their audience.

5. Writing About Too Many Topics

A common blogging mistake made by new bloggers is trying to cover too many topics. While it may be tempting to cast a wide net to attract a broader audience, this is one of the big blogging mistakes, which can ultimately backfire. Readers typically look for blogs that specialize in specific topics, and by trying to cover too many subjects, bloggers risk losing their readers’ attention.

To achieve blogging success, it’s essential to focus on a specific niche and create content that speaks to that audience. By specializing in a particular topic, bloggers can establish themselves as experts, gain a loyal following, and ultimately achieve long-term blogging success.

6. Not Publishing Frequently Enough

A common blogging mistake made by many bloggers is not publishing frequently enough. Consistency is key when it comes to blogging success, and readers expect to see new content on a regular basis. By not publishing enough, bloggers risk losing their readers’ attention and failing to build a loyal following.

On the other hand, publishing too frequently can also be a blogging mistake, as it can lead to burnout and lower-quality content. As part of a blog’s dos and don’ts, bloggers should aim for a regular publishing schedule that provides high-quality, valuable content at a consistent pace.

7. Poorly Formatted Posts

A poorly formatted post is one of the blogging mistakes that can hurt a blogger’s chances of success. Blogging success is not just about the quality of the content but also the presentation of that content.

Posts that are poorly formatted can be difficult to read, and readers are less likely to engage with them. As part of a blog’s dos and don’ts, bloggers should pay attention to formatting, including using headings, subheadings, bullet points, and images to break up text and make it more visually appealing.

Proper formatting not only makes posts easier to read but also helps to establish the blogger as a professional and trustworthy source of information.

8. Using Uninspiring Titles

Using an uninspiring title is also one of the blogging mistakes that can result in a blog failure. Titles are the first impression readers have of a blog post, and a bland or uninteresting title can cause readers to scroll past it without a second thought.

To achieve blogging success, bloggers should put effort into creating engaging and attention-grabbing titles. Titles should be clear, concise, catchy, powerful, and accurately reflect the content of the post.

By using a creative and intriguing title, bloggers can entice readers to click and read the post, ultimately leading to greater engagement and blogging success.

9. Not proofreading your content for mistakes

Not proofreading blog content is a mistake that can result in a blog fail. Blogging success is dependent on creating high-quality content that engages readers, and spelling or grammar errors can detract from the quality of the content.

Failing to proofread can make the blogger appear unprofessional and careless, which can turn readers off.

As part of a blog’s dos and don’ts, bloggers should always proofread their content before publishing, using spell-checking tools and asking a second set of eyes to review the post for errors.

Taking the time to ensure that content is error-free can make a significant difference in the success of a blog.

10. Forgetting to Optimize for SEO

Forgetting to optimize blog content for SEO is one of the biggest blogging mistakes that can negatively impact blogging success.

Search engine optimization is crucial for driving traffic to a blog and reaching a wider audience. Without optimizing for SEO, blog content may not rank well in search engines, and readers may struggle to find it. Bloggers should conduct keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords into their content, use header tags, and optimize images to improve SEO.

By prioritizing SEO, bloggers can increase their visibility in search engine results and achieve greater success in the competitive world of blogging.

11. Not investing in the blogging business

Not investing money in a blogging business is a big blogging mistake that can hinder blogging success.

While it is possible to start a blog with minimal investment, bloggers who want to achieve long-term success need to invest in their business. This includes investing in quality website design, web hosting, and other tools to improve the blog’s functionality and user experience.

Bloggers may also need to invest in marketing and promotion to increase visibility and reach a wider audience. By investing in their blogging business, bloggers can increase their chances of success and achieve their goals more quickly.

12. Not Linking to Other Content

Not linking to other content is a mistake that can hurt blogging success and the overall success of the blogging business.

Linking to other relevant content within a blog post can provide readers with additional value and resources, increase engagement, and improve the credibility of the blogger.

It can also help to build relationships with other bloggers and attract new readers.

Bloggers should prioritize linking to high-quality, relevant content that provides additional value to their readers, and avoid over-linking or spammy linking practices that can be detrimental to the blog’s reputation.

13. No Backlink building

Backlinks are essential for improving a blog’s authority, driving traffic, and increasing visibility in search engine results.

Without backlinks, a blog may struggle to rank well in search engines, making it harder for readers to find and limiting its potential for success. Bloggers should avoid this blogging mistake and prioritize building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, using tactics like guest blogging, broken link building, and outreach.

By building a strong backlink profile, bloggers can improve their blogging business’s chances of success and reach a wider audience.

14. Forgetting to Update Old Content

Bloggers should prioritize updating old content to keep it fresh, relevant, and engaging for readers. This can help to improve the blog’s search engine rankings, increase traffic, and keep readers coming back for more.

Additionally, updated content can help to build the blog’s reputation and authority over time.

Bloggers should regularly review and update old content, making necessary changes and adding new information as needed.

By keeping their content up to date, bloggers can improve their blog’s success and stay ahead of the competition.

15. Copying content

Copying content from other websites is one of the major blogging mistakes that can have serious consequences.

Not only is it unethical and potentially illegal, but it can also hurt a blog’s reputation and credibility. Copied content can be detected by search engines, leading to penalties, a drop in rankings, and decreased traffic.

Additionally, readers are likely to lose trust in a blog that contains copied content, ultimately leading to a decline in traffic and engagement.

Bloggers should prioritize creating original, high-quality content that provides value to readers and sets their blog apart from others in their niche.

16. Not Promoting Your Blog Posts

Not promoting blog posts is also one of the blogging mistakes which should be avoided. It can lead to a blog failure.

Creating high-quality content is essential, but it’s not enough on its own. Bloggers should prioritize promoting their posts to reach a wider audience and increase engagement.

Neglecting to promote posts can limit a blog’s reach and result in low traffic and engagement. Bloggers can promote their posts through social media, email marketing, guest blogging, and other tactics.

17. Ignoring Comments

Ignoring readers’ comments is also one of the blogging mistakes which needed to be avoided. It can have negative consequences.

Readers’ comments provide valuable feedback, insights, and engagement that can help to improve a blog’s content and foster a community. Ignoring comments can make readers feel undervalued and disengaged, ultimately leading to a decline in traffic and engagement.

Bloggers should prioritize responding to readers’ comments, engaging in discussions, and taking feedback into account when creating future content.

18. Not Repurposing Existing Content

Repurposing content involves taking existing content and converting it into another format, such as a video, infographic, or podcast. Repurposing allows bloggers to reach new audiences, improve engagement, and provide value in new ways.

Neglecting to repurpose existing content is a blogging mistake to avoid. It can result in missed opportunities and limit a blog’s potential. Bloggers should repurpose their content to maximize its impact and reach a wider audience.


Avoiding common blogging mistakes can help bloggers build successful and sustainable blogs.

Prioritizing audience engagement, creating high-quality and original content, and promoting blog posts are all important factors to consider. By avoiding these blogging mistakes and continually improving their blog, bloggers can achieve long-term blogging success.

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